SUPALAI: Standardดี Qualityเดียวกัน

Objective / Brief
SUPALAI, a national leader in real estate development with commitment to develop quality residences, and continue to innovate its products and services.
With proven consistent standard and quality, SUPALAI has been gaining trust and positive feedback in upcountry and provincial market with over 300 projects across the country. It is time SUPALAI to show its standpoint to strengthen the brand awareness as a Top-of-mind real estate developer in nationwide level and to expand its opportunity to drive more sales.
Project Details
Rabbit’s Tale has defined key standards of SUPALAI’s quality that is consistently delivered to every house, every target’s lifestyle, every region; Central, Northern, Southern, East, and West into 5 individual proven points:
- Professional Local Team
- Trusted After Sale Service
- High Standard
- Thoughtful Functionality
- Security
With the concept “#StandardดีQualityเดียวกัน”, it aims to offer and emphasize on proven and continual development of the same “Quality” of standard across Thailand utilizing “Bow Maylada” as the-first-ever Brand Presenter of SUPALAI to represent the brand in trendy, funny, friendly, and locally way to approach and attract in targets’ heart.