GQ CoolTech Jeans ลองแล้วจะหนาว

Objective / Brief
Get target customers to try on GQ Jeans by driving awareness, curiosity and excitement through GQ’s technology in creating the world’s first COOLTECH Jeans.
Project Details
Create excitement to the market with key singular message
- “Engineered to Cool ลองแล้วจะหนาว” Cooling Jeans that only GQ provides, offering the only true cool-to-the-touch technology in jeans without sacrificing the authentic jeans’s feeling by presenting through the ice bath visual to show this cooling effect.
- Also create TikTok challenge with Nack Charlie and 100+ of KOLs to maximize awareness of our USP and announce our challenge.
GQ CoolTech Campaign
- Creative idea, execution and campaign journey
- Hero Video
- Shocking celeb Direction: who unpredictable but cool If we don’t do a hero video, what’s the way to maximize awareness.
– Reach more than 1m+ views on TiKTok and more than 100+ creators join our challenge #GQChalllengeลองแล้วจะหนาว
– Total video engagement (Film): 2.4M Views, 14K Likes